WePower — Blockchain Based Green Energy Platform

WePower — the cutting edge service organization
Upsetting vitality showcases through open environmentally friendly power vitality venture and exchanging arrangements.WePower empowers sustainable power source makers to raise capital by issuing their own particular vitality tokens. These tokens speak to vitality they resolve to create and convey. Vitality tokenization institutionalizes disentangles and opens all around at present existing vitality venture biological community. Accordingly vitality makers can exchange specifically with the efficient power vitality purchasers (shoppers and speculators) and raise capital by offering vitality forthright, at underneath showcase rates. Vitality tokenization guarantees liquidity and stretches out access to capital. The WePower blockchain arrangement is at present perceived by Elering, a standout amongst the most inventive Transmission System Operators in Europe.

To streamline the financing cycle and open access to capital, WePower empowers vitality tokenization. Tokenized vitality speaks to a contracting instrument between a vitality maker andenergy purchaser
The authors say WePower will offer power contracts at a lower cost than on the ordinary market. In Spain, WePower’s dispatch advertise, they assess that one megawatt-hour will cost $39-$40 per unit against a standard discount cost of $47 per unit. That would be a 17% sparing and the unit itself would be tradable, which means you could offer on the token if the cost was rising (say, in light of the fact that there was a lack of sustainable power accessible whenever).

Current vitality advertise structure

As indicated by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BENF)1, the 2016 level of venture into sustainable power source had achieved 242 Billion USD, speaking to a 23% diminishing over the earlier year as found in the diagram on the right. In any case, mid 2017 patterns indicate interest in sustainable power source has tumbled to 20.9% in Q1 contrasted with 2016, from 64.25 billion to 50.84 billion. The market is commanded by banks, PE supports and mutual funds that rule the vitality venture showcase. This framework does not serve the sustainable power source group with appropriate access tocapital. Nor does it serve purchasers with appropriate access to vitality.

Through these techniques, WePower fathoms the accompanying vitality advertise inadequacies:

• Global access to capital for environmentally friendly power vitality ventures
• Global access to environmentally friendly power vitality ventures and exchanging (i.e. liquidity)
• Speed and straightforwardness

WePower business case

Vitality generation is enormous business:
1. 24,756 TWh3 vitality created every year altogether.
2. 24,756,000,000 MWh vitality created from sustainable sources.
3. Accepting the LEC (levelized vitality cost) from sunlight based and wind midpoints 50 EUR/MWh (most
likely less expensive), add up to market of vitality generation alone and deals is 1.24 trillion USD.
4. Current yearly interests in sustainable power source add up to 242 billion USD4.

WePower token model

The WePower stage enables sustainable power source makers to tokenize and offer the vitality they deliver. A sustainable power source maker associated with the stage issues its own particular vitality tokens inside the WePower stage, where 1 vitality token speaks to 1 kWh of environmentally friendly power vitality to be delivered in a specific time later on (ordinarily inside 4– 6 months from the association minute).
Each sustainable power source plant associated with the WePower stage will arrange a bartering for the offer of tokenized vitality. WePower token holders will have need access to such closeouts and their distribution will rely upon the quantity of WePower tokens they have.

Blockchain work

Blockchain permits:
• Innovative people group association crosswise over applications
• Provide outsider liquidity through trades and decentralized trade conventions
• Enhanced proficiency because of keen contract disposal of delegates
• Enhanced security because of unchanging nature of information
• Cheaper upkeep versus incorporated database
• History of exchanges and expectation of exchanges
• Fault resistance for DApps because of decentralized nature of blockchain
WePower token model

Token deal

Fundamental terms of WePower token deal:
Token creation will end when either the greatest number of WPR is issued or the commitment time frame has finished. On the off chance that not as much as the base delicate top of tokens are issued, token deal commitments might be recovered.
WePower is beginning its second Official Bounty Program so as to compensate its supporters with more WPR tokens.
1.5% of every single raised token will be distributed to the Bounty Program however won’t surpass 525,000 USD in WPR tokens.
The program will keep running until the finish of the Token Sale. The bounties will be paid inside 30 days after the finish of the Token Sale.
Quality pool — 10% (52.5k in WPR)
Continuous interpretations Campaign — 10% (52.5k in WPR)
Arbitrators Campaign — 10% (52.5k in WPR)
Twitter Campaign — 5% (26.25k in WPR)
Content Creation Campaign — 35% (183.75k in WPR)
VIP content — 17,5% (92k in WPR)
Video/composed meetings, surveys and articles — 17.5% (92k in WPR)
Mystery Campaign — 7.5% (39k in WPR)
Marks Campaign — 18% (94.5k in WPR)
YouTube Campaign — 2%(11k in WPR)
Wire Campaign — 2,5% (13k in WPR)

The Team :

Nikolaj Martyniuk
Nikolaj MartyniukCo-Founder, Energy

Artūras Asakavičius
Artūras AsakavičiusCo-Founder, Investments
Kaspar Kaarlep
Kaspar KaarlepCTO, Energy
Jon Matonis
Jon MatonisBlockchain advisor
Eyal Hertzog
Eyal HertzogBlockchain advisor
David Cohen
David CohenEnergy advisor
Heikki Kolk
Heikki KolkEnergy IOT Expert
Liraz Siri
Liraz SiriSecurity expert
Trevor Townsend
Trevor TownsendEnergy Advisor
Steven Meersman
Steven MeersmanEnergy markets
David Drake
David DrakeInvestments advisor
Aaron Bichler
Aaron BichlerInvestments
Saber Aria
Saber AriaInvestments
Nimrod Lehavi
Nimrod LehaviPayments
Mantas Aleksiejevas
Mantas AleksiejevasMarketing and sales
Gytis Labašauskas
Gytis LabašauskasDigital performance and user acquisition
Henri Laupmaa
Henri LaupmaaInvestments
Geoffrey Riggs
Geoffrey RiggsMarketing & Communications Advisor
Darius Rugevicius
Darius RugeviciusInvestments
Rene Fischer
Rene FischerBrand strategy
Dr. Tadas Jucikas
Dr. Tadas JucikasData Scientist
Lukas Kairys
Lukas KairysSmart contracts consultant
Aukse Siaudzionyte
Aukse SiaudzionyteContent and social media manager
Asta Kybartaitė
Asta KybartaitėCommunity & social media manager
Vytautas Alkimavičius
Vytautas AlkimavičiusSenior software engineer

Detail Information :


Telegram: https://t.me/WePowerNetwork

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_OW_EddXO5RWWFVQjJGZXpQT3c/view

Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1640802


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